All guitars are made of best Slovenian wood found high in Alps. They produce a quality acoustic properties. Selection of wood is not traditional which makes instruments particularly interesting. Colours of tones and acoustics surprise. Spruce, cedar, maple, elm, walnut, oak, pear... (I don't use rosewood and mahogany. Only best massive wood from Alps). Why use exotic American and African woods with this richness and quality of wood? The guitars produced have excellent tonal qualities and rich acoustics in a variety of colours. Deviating from the "gold" standard with rosewood and mahogany? Why not?! The choice of wood alone makes them different, special and exquisite. Just try them and see for yourself...
Kitare izdelujem iz masivnega alpskega lesa. Slovenija ima v visokogorju vrhunski akustični les. Cenjen in iskan za glasbila najvišjega cenovnega razreda po vsem svetu. Zakaj pri tej lesni bogatiji in kvaliteti uporabljati eksotične ameriške in afriške lesove? Izdelane kitare imajo odlične tonalne lastnosti in bogato akustiko različnih barv. Odstopanje od "zlatega" standarda s palisandrom in mahagonijem? Zakaj ne?! Že izbira lesa jih dela drugačne, posebne in vrhunske. Le poskusite jih in se prepričajte...
The song is played by prof. Katja Porovne Silič on guitar Sabina #7
I started making guitars in 2020 as a realization of my dreams from 30 years ago. I experience this creative journey as something between engineering and sculpture. And the best thing about all this is that my home is full of music again. Guitarists come and play for hours. They try, compare, and try again. The music shuts down late into the night but the debate continues... What an event!
Tomaz Prodan, guitar maker
Davno, malo pred letom 1990, sem obiskal Vlada Proskurnjaka v Varaždinu. Velikega mojstra izdelave glasbil. Velemojstra te obrti. Kakšna sreča. Njegova delavnica za izdelavo glasbil me je očarala in mi vnesla nemir vse do leta 2020. Sanjal sem to delavnico in to lepo obrt. In naposled, ko se vse poklopi, sem začel tudi sam. Veste kaj mi je rekel takrat? "Mali, ne brini, nikad ti nečeš ništa uradit, a kamo li gitaru." No, na mojo srečo se je zmotil. Krepko zmotil. Dal mi je izziv! Moje kitare danes pojejo pod rokami boljših in slabših kitaristov, pojejo s svojim mehkim tonom in delajo veselje prav vsem. Saj za to gre. In potem, ko utihnejo, še dolgo v noč, se prave teme o glasbi razvnamejo... Ali je sploh kaj lepšega?!
Tomaž, izdelovalec kitar