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Novi modeli klasičnih kitar - New models I - Prodan design I

#5 Maestra

Nov model kitare ima za osnovo načrt mojstra Ignacija Flete. Število pahljačastih opornikov je zmanjšano iz 9 na 7. Šesti opornik je podaljšan preko harmonskih prečnikov. Dolžina ubiralke je standardna - 650 mm. Uporabljen je slovenski masivni visokogorski alpski les z odličnimi akustičnimi karakteristikami.

The new guitar model has the design of master Ignacio Fleta as the basis. The number of fan braces is reduced from 9 to 7. The sixth brace is extended through the harmonic bars. The length of the fingerboard is standard - 650 mm. High-altitude Alpine wood with excellent acoustic characteristics is used.

Prikazan je postopek izdelave kitare #5 - Maestra. Zvočna plošča je iz visokogorske alpske smreke, pahljačasti oporniki so kombinacija smreke in cedre, harmonski prečniki so iz smreke, ojačitve so smreka in javor. stransko telo kitare je dvoslojno iz bresta in bora, Spodnja plošča je iz bresta. Vrat je iz hrasta, dekoriran z orehom in smreko, peta vratu je iz bresta. Ubiralka in mostiček sta iz dimljenega črnega hrasta. Obrobe so iz črnega hrasta, tesnitve pa iz javorja. Lakirana s Shell lakom. Predvsem pa, kitara zelo lepo poje.

The process of making guitar #5 - Maestra is shown. The soundboard is made of Alpine spruce, the fan bracings are a combination of spruce and cedar, the harmonic bars are spruce, reinforcements are spruce and maple.The guitar's side body is a double layer of elm and pine, the bottom plate is made of elm. The neck is of oak, decorated with walnut and spruce, the heel of the neck is of elm wood. The fretboard and bridge are of smoked black oak. The bindings and purflings are black oak and maple. French polish. Above all, the guitar sounds beautifully..

Prvi test nove kitare. Prvi vtis je močna akustika... Drugi vtis: Kitara ima močno projekcijo tonov v prostor, dobro odzivnost, opazno separacijo tonov in uravnoteženost v celotnem razponu. Projekcija je opazno močnejša na visokih tonih kar v večini primerov olajša igranje melodičnih linij.   

First test of the new guitar. The first impression is strong acoustics... Second impression: the guitar has a strong projection of tones into space, good responsiveness, noticeable tone separation and balance throughout the range. The projection is noticeably stronger in the treble which makes it easier to play melodic lines in most cases.

#6 Lola 

Prvi test Lole: Močna akustika in temni basi. Zelo je odzivna in rabi malo energije za igranje. Dolžina ubiralke je 650 mm, širina vratu pa 53 mm. Zvočnica je iz smreke, stranici sta sendvič bresta in bora (znotraj), spodnja plošča je iz bresta. Opore pod zvočnico so iz smreke in cedre. Prečne opore na spodnji plošči so iz cedre. Vrat je iz hrasta. Lakirana s Shell lakom. Kitara poje vrhunsko.

First Lole test: Strong projection and dark bass. She is very responsive and needs little energy to play. The length of the scale is 650 mm and the nut width is 53 mm. The soundboard is made of spruce, the sides are a sandwich of elm and pine (inside), the bottom plate is made of elm. The supports under the soundboard are made of spruce and cedar. The transverse supports on the bottom plate are made of cedar. The neck is made of oak. French polish. The guitar sings top-notch. 

Nov izziv. Kitara #7 bo imela namesto "fan bracinga" (pahljačastih ojačitev) "latice bracing" (rešetkasto ojačitev ali mrežo). Ojačitve bodo samo lesene brez karbona.

A new challenge. Guitar #7 will have "lattice bracing" instead of "fan bracing". The bracing will be wood only, no carbon.

The song is played by prof. Katja Porovne Silič on guitar #7 Sabina

Sabina - presenečenje! Smreka in javor skupaj vedno poskrbita za prijeten zvok instrumenta. Svetli močni toni in uravnotežen prijeten bas. Zvočnica je predebela za klasičen "latice bracing" (je nad 2 mm) in zato kitara ni (pre)glasna in prazna. Zadrži  prepoznavne lastnosti lesa (smreke), ki jih konstrukcije s tankim zvočnicami (pod 1,5 mm) povsem izgubijo. Akustika in ton sta v območju prijetne uravnoteženosti in na svetlejši strani. Javor poskrbi za tiste harmonike, ki svetli smrekov ton "karamelno porumenijo". Odličen je tudi "sustain".   Kitara je standardnih dimenzij, 650 mm in širine vratu 53 mm. Tako trup kot vrat sta iz javorja. Vrhunski instrument. 


Sabina - surprise! Spruce and maple together always make for a pleasant sound. Bright, strong tones and balanced, pleasant bass. The soundboard is too thick for classic "lattice bracing" (it is over 2 mm) and therefore the guitar is not (too) loud and empty. It retains the distinctive qualities of the wood (spruce), which are completely lost in thin soundboard designs (below 1.5 mm). The acoustics and tone are in a pleasant balanced range and on the brighter side. Maple provides those harmonics that give the bright spruce tone a 'caramel yellow'. The sustain is also excellent. The guitar has standard dimensions of 650 mm and a neck width of 53 mm. Both the body and the neck are made of maple. A top-notch instrument.

#7 Sabina - Lattice bracing model (eksperiment)

The song is played by prof. Katja Porovne Silič on guitar #7 Sabina

#7 will be made of maple and spruce. Wood used by Stradivari himself for violins :-). 

